Special MTAA Board Meeting 2:30 PM
Friday, May 2, 2024

***Location:  Billard Airport Terminal Building***

  1. Inquire if Notification was given to all Requesting Notification of MTAA Board Meetings.
  2. Public Comment.
  3. Adopt Agenda.
  4. Executive Session: The Need to Preserve Confidentiality Regarding Preliminary Discussions on a Proposal to Acquire Real Property.
  5. Executive Session: Attorney-Client Privileged Communications with the Subject Matter to be Discussions on a Current Lease and a Proposed Lease.
  6. Consider Request by H&H Aircraft Services LLC for Assignment of MTAA Contract No. 2009.01.
  7. Consider Proposed Lease for Billard Restaurant Operation.


metropolitan topeka airport authority
topeka regional airport & business center
6510 SE Forbes Ave., ste. 1, topeka, ks 66619-1446